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Kutia recipe – Kutya recipe

    Кутя на Різдво
    Cooking time: 600 ( 45 ) mins
    Serving: 12 people
    Preliminary price:

    Fantastically simple! Properly boiled wheat berries, ground poppy seeds, chopped walnuts, fragrant honey – all of these make a wonderful kutia or kutya (both words are used) ! The kutia recipe (kutya recipe) is not easy but kutia is main dish for the Ukrainian Crismas Eve.

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    For dish:
    Wheat (berries) 450 g (0.5 l)
    Poppy seeds 150 g (1 cup)
    Walnuts 150 g (1 cup)
    Honey 200 g (3-5 tbsp to taste)
    Water 2 l (alltogether 4.5 l, the odd is drained)

    SMAKplus gallery Pour 2 l of cold water over the wheat berries in a large (not less than 5 l) pot and soak it for 8-10 hours (better overnight).

    SMAKplus gallery Stir the wheat berries in order to lift the sediment then drain the water. Pour over 1,5 l of fresh water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. As soon as the bubbles appear (be carefull the contents might boil over), reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.

    SMAKplus gallery Meanwhile scald the poppy seeds, cover and let it sit for 1 hour. They should now be done. Take it off the stove and wrap the pot completely with a thick towel. Initiallly this was done with fur, a thick blanket or quilt (you may still use any of these). This allows all the heat to be trapped in the pot, and `steams` the wheat berries to a beautiful fluffy berry.

    SMAKplus gallery Then drain the poppy seeds (slowly not to splash any of the seeds). Grind the poppy seeds – traditionally a mortar and pestle were used, but you can use a food processor, or a hand held grinder (grind twice).

    SMAKplus gallery Check the walnuts to make sure there are no walnut shells. Chop the walnuts with a knife or rolling pin (your choice).

    SMAKplus gallery Combine the wheat berries, poppy seeds and walnuts. Now add the honey, a little at a time depending on your taste. Be careful, you don’t want to drown your kutia in honey. If you are used to a more liquid kutia, add a little boiled water.

    Here you are! The video of the traditinal Kutia recipe (Kutya recipe) for Christmas Eve.

    Other recipes of Eve’s menu here in the site:
    borshch with vushka (step-by-step recipe with photo and video)
    пісна підлива з сушених грибів (fast and vegetarian gravy with dried wild mushrooms)
    пісні голубці з картоплею (fast and vegetarian holubtsi – cabbage rolls with potato)
    stuffed fish
    книш з гречаною кашею (pie with buckwheat)
    домашній хліб (home-made bread)
    узвар із сухофруктів (compote made of dried fruit)

    Useful tip:One may add a pinch of salt to the water while boiling the wheat berries, but it is not all tastes. To grind the poppy seeds finer one may add to drained seeds 1 tbsp of sugar. Well processed poppy seeds means that each seed loses its round shape and gets smashed. To make the kutia more liquid one may add little dry fruit kompot instead of water but such kutia won't stay for a long time in a fridge because it gets sour in 1-2 days.
    Additional info: callories, price etc. (for registered users only)

    Wheat (berries)g4504506.3833011.51.362.1
    Poppy seedsg150150172.647016.344.21.8
    Weight total/per yield2950 g250 g
    Cost total/per yield (approximately)78.12 uah6.51 uah
    Nutritional value per 100 g:
    128 kcal (medium)3.4 g5.8 g15.5 g

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